Have you ever noticed all the advice out there with titles like: • Tips for Managing Your Anxiety • The Best Coping Skills for Anxiety • How to Deal with Your Anxiety I know this sounds all well and good. But in this article, I’ll explain why these types of articles are not what you …
3 SOPHRO Exercises to Unwind and De-stress in any Situation
Stress can hit us in all areas of life. From performing the same tedious task over many years, to unsettling encounters with people at work, at home or just on the street, to worries about the future. We all feel like losing it from time to time. But before your stress runs amok, give these …
What Kind of Snoozer are you? THE SLEEP QUIZ!
Find out more about your sleeping habits with this fun little personality quiz! Play as often as you like! If necessary update your knowledge with the 12 Proven Ways to Beat Insomnia! And get your 3 Sophro Exercises for a Better Sleep! Let’s get started! SLEEP QUIZ Are you a Super Snoozer? Further reading
3 Sophrology Exercises For Falling Asleep Quickly And Deeply
No more counting sheep! We have three Sophrology exercises to help you fall asleep quickly and then sleep soundly! A Perfect Night’s Sleep This is a visualization. You can do it sitting or lying down. It is about visualizing Your Perfect Night’s Sleep. You imagine getting ready for bed and being comfortable before drifting into …
12 Scientifically Proven Ways to Beat Insomnia
Or 12 hacks for a better sleep! What’s crucial to the learning process? What helps us process our emotions? What makes us good humored and easy-going? What keeps us sane? What helps us to slim? What keeps us alive? What would make the American economy about $411bn a year richer? You guessed it: a good …
How to Turn Your Anger into Strength
“Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” Buddha Have you heard this quote before? We feel it is true and yet most of us have probably dreamt of taking revenge on somebody. Or we have suffered from anger over a longer period of time. It has kept …
Sophrology as an Accompaniment for Medical Treatments
Sophrology is probably best known as a self-help method used to reduce stress and promote mental and physical well-being. It also has many applications as an accompaniment to certain serious medical conditions. Which diseases can be eased with Sophrology and how does it help patients who are in treatment? Here are some of the most …
3 Different but Simple Ways to Find your Values and Take Control of your Life!
Values, whether we are aware of them or not, are an important guide in our lives. They are involved in every decision-making process. For example what kind of job we pursue, how we get on with people and what type of person we relate to. So it’s advisable to take a bit of time to …
SOPHROLOGY – Frequently Asked Questions
Sophrology is the new kid on the block in mindfulness, meditation and therapy. But what does it do? Who uses it and for what? Welcome to the Sophrology FAQ’s! Here are the answers: If you still have questions please leave a comment in the section below! We are happy to answer them. Exploring Sophrology …
5 Simple Ways Mindfulness Keeps You Sane Today
Will the world as we know it end? Will there be wars? Will we get through financially? Will we all be killed by viruses? Well, probably yes! At least at some point in the future one or more of those things might be our fate. But not yet! Here are 5 simple ways to gain …