Boost your Happiness

Well-being with Mindfulness and Sophrology


At Planet Sophro we are committed to helping you become your most authentic and happy self. We use Sophrology as a therapy method and the latest research to discuss current and more general topics of well-being. Start off by boosting your self-confidence with your freebies here! 

Become your most authentic and happy self with Sophrology!

What makes us tick? How can we overcome challenges? Sophrology is a therapy method which combines body and mind exercises inspired by eastern practices and western techniques. It helps us getting to know ourselves and gives us the key to progress and well-being. The exercises are for young and old. They are designed to amplify our awareness and help us on our path to happiness.

What's new on happiness?

In our blog we explore topics related to happiness, well-being and personal development. We offer practical value that can be easily applied every day to inspire thought and well-being. With the help of Sophrology and the latest research in Psychology we hope to help you celebrate your unique combination of talents.

I want my freebies on confidence!

Feeling stuck or gathering dust? Want to try something new but are still sceptical? Or do you need to prepare for an event and feel a bit shaky? No problem! We have put together Sophrology exercises with other tips to help you take back control of your life and your confidence. Sign up and collect your confidence freebies! With the Audio included you can start off right away!

Get "Your Daily Happiness Boost" Book

“Your Daily Happiness Boost” is a fun and light book for newcomers to Sophrology and people who want to give their lives a daily positive boost. The topics focus on everyday challenges we all face. How to deal with stress, gain perspective or just relax. How to increase concentration, confidence and energy. In our shop you find all versions, PDF, Audio, Kindle and Paperback.

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